Sync the emWave2 Handheld Device with Your Computer
Sessions run on the emWave2 handheld are automatically saved on the device and may be transferred into the emWave software on your computer. These sessions are combined with any other sessions already on your computer and may be viewed in the "Review Progress" view.
To transfer the sessions, plug in your emWave2 device, and select "Sync emWave2..." from the File menu.
emWave Pro users see this:

emWave2 users see this:
Make sure, the checkbox "Sync Session Data with Device" is checked.
The sessions on the device will be automatically deleted after it finishes importing unless you disable the check box "Delete handheld session data after import". Then click the OK button.
NOTE: If you click the Advanced or Options button in the dialog box,
you will be able to see the current associated device user and the emWave2 ID. There is an additional check box called Wipe, which deletes all stored sessions from the emWave2 handheld device and disassociates it from the application database, therefore it is only recommended if you are transferring the ownership of the device to another user.
After clicking the OK button, a dialog box should appear and show you a progress bar for the transfer. Depending on how many sessions are stored, the transfer can take from 30 seconds to up to 5 minutes for 15 or more hours of data. Once the session data has been transferred, the dialog allows you to show the details of each session that was transferred, and how they were handled. Unless the session has the status of "Duplicate"—which means that they were previously transferred—they have been automatically added to your database, where you can review them in Progress Review. You can then delete unwanted sessions in Progress View or leave them in the session database. When the transfer is complete, click OK to dismiss the dialog.
Note: the emWave2 software does not support more than one user and can only be associated with a single handheld device. For multiple users & device support please upgrade, or make sure you are using the emWave Pro software. However, each emWave2 handheld device can be used with multiple computers, so you can use it at home and at work. For maximum flexibility and added functionality, you can upgrade your software to emWave Pro, visit our online store for more information:
For additional support, please see the HeartMath Knowledge Base at:
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